Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Well this isn't really about a reading, but I had a some mythological experiences today that I thought someone might appreciate. Really the one I was freaking out about most was probably the smallest example ever, but it was just a showing of fate. So I'm walking down this road (it was actually a concrete sidewalk, but if you picture a dirt road, the story is a bit more mythological), and I see a man about 50 feet away from me walking on a path that will surely intersect mine. The closer we get to each other, the more certain I become that, if one of us does not change either speed, or course soon, we are bound to run into one another. Seeing this as something I wanted to avoid, I decided to cut a corner with about 5 feet left before impact (approximately two strides). The man must have had the same thought, because he also felt it necessary to cut the same corner at the same time. This being the case, we bumped into each other, and the fates popped out from behind a bush and sneered at me. I shook a fist at them and cursed them. "Darn you fates!" I said, (but none of this latter part actually happened) but the fates had already won, and vanished. See I was going to run into this poor guy, and experience this awkward exchange of apologies no matter what. If I had stayed on course, surely, so would have he. Since I tried to escape this fate, naturally so did he, and so we created for ourselves the exact event we both sought to avoid, and we both experienced it's inevitability. Myth!
     The only other things that really happened today were less mythical in form than in content. First, a friend of mine sent me an email of the song Oh, Comely, which I had never heard before, but it uses some pretty mythological vocabulary. And secondly, I met a dog named Apollo, and he was super cute!

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