Wednesday, December 7, 2011

last night I attended the birthday party for The King James Bible, and The Tempest. First of all, happy birthday! to two wonderful pieces of literature. Secondly I would like to commend the performance of our own educator Dr. Sexson, as well as all of the other performer, who did a fantastic job of making the whole piece as entertaining as it was informative. Man, those people can all sing like champions. The scripting for the event was very well done, and though I'm not sure who exactly pieced that together, that person, or persons, deserves a bit of recognition, because I was both laughing, and rubbing my chin in deep thought pretty much the whole time. The cake (which I'm sure is what most people reading this are curious about) was also quite good. Even though my first piece of the bible was white cake with vanilla frosting, it was exceptionally moist, and really melted in my mouth. My second piece of cake was of the tempest, and luckily there was some chocolate to this one. It was equal in all ways to the bible cake, splendid. There was also some cider that was great, so thanks to whomever it was that brought all of those delicious treats! If you missed the event, I must say, you truly did miss out on something. Good food, good people, and good entertainment; all things made for a most enjoyable evening.

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